The Library provides access to a wide variety of digital resource collections and curated subject guides. In these collections, you can find resources that cover accounting, economics, insurance, market research, and statistics.
Your Library Liaison is Brenda Mahoney. You can contact your Library Liaison for questions about resource selection, creating subject guides, and finding resources for your courses.
By filling out our Contact Us Form you will be connected to a Library staff member who can help you research resources and answer any other questions you may have.
Library digital resource collections are collections of online resources that the Library subscribes to. They are searchable databases of articles, eBooks, videos and more. Faculty and staff of Algonquin College can access these collections online using their Library account.
When searching our databases, we recommend starting with the list of Best Bets found below:
Use the search bar below to explore all databases related to business:
To find journals and articles related to your subject area, please use the Publications Search to browse by title or discipline.
Explore up-to-date tutorials, technical resources, and specialty subject guides:
Subject Guides are created by Library staff and are collections of recommended resources for specific subject areas. They provide a good starting point for research. Each Subject Guide includes recommendations for key databases, journals and websites, along with featured eBooks and videos, highlighting major resources both online and in-house. We can create new guides to accommodate your needs!