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Child and Youth Care

Community & Social Science - Attention Child & Youth Care Students: Your professors want you to use the APA format when citing &/or referencing your research (see the Cite Sources and the Avoid Plagiarism tabs below).

About This Guide

This guide is a collection of resources recommended specifically for this subject. Click on each of the tabs to view different types of resources that are especially helpful or informative. This guide is a good starting point for your research and for finding resources that can help you in your chosen field.

Featured Ebooks

Book cover ofChild Abuse : medical diagnosis and management, 4th ed - click to open in a new window
Book cover of  Reclaiming Community : race and the uncertain future of youth work - click to open in a new window
book cover of Partnering with Parents : Family-centred Practice in Children's Services - click to open book in a new window
Book cover of Promoting Positive Adolescent Health Behaviors and Outcomes: thriving in the 21st century - click to open in a new window
Book cover of Theoretical Perspectives for Direct Social Work Practice : A Generalist-Eclectic Approach - click to open in a new window
Book cover of Book Improving the Psychological Wellbeing of Children and Young People : effective prevention and early intervention across health, education and social care - click to open in a new window
Book cover of Clinical Manual of Youth Addictive Disorders - click to open in a new window

Library/SLC Resources

Coaching is a free service where you can get help in the fundamentals of subjects such as math, English, and more from knowledgeable coaches. Some subjects offer coaching by appointment, while coaching in other subjects is offered on a drop-in basis. Click on a subject below to view the schedule or register for a session.

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