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How to Borrow

Ebooks, Videos, Online Journals, Magazines & Newspapers

You can find these resources using the following tools:

  • Page 1+ – set the Resource Type to your required source type on the results page, e.g. Articles, Journals, Books, Videos, etc.
  • Databases A-Z – Set the Database Type to your required resource type, e.g. Ebooks & Audiobooks, Articles, Online Videos, etc.
  • Publication Search – Search for journals and magazines by title to determine if the library holds a certain periodical title in a digital format.
  • Newspaper Search – Search for articles from hundreds of newspapers.

A current College Network Account is required for off-campus searching.

Print Books & DVDs

You can find print books and DVDs by using the following tools:

  • Page 1+:
    • Under Availability, select Print/Physical Item.
    • Books: Use the limiters on the left side and select 'Books' under Resource Type.
    • DVDs: Use the limiters on the left side and select 'Video' under Resource Type.

Print Journals, Magazines & Newspapers (Perth and Pembroke only)

Print versions of periodicals are available only at the Perth and Pembroke campus locations. Borrowing is permitted for a 7-day period.

  • Perth campus: Print journals and magazines are available to borrow. Please visit the circulation desk.
  • Pembroke campus: Print journals and magazines are available to borrow. Please visit the circulation desk.

You can find specific print periodicals using the following tools:

  • Page 1+ – Choose the Advanced Search and set your Material Type to Journals.
  • Search Publications – Click 'Publication Search' on the Library homepage. Search by title. Under ‘Refine Results’ - ‘Availability’, check Print/physical item.

Reserve Items

The Reserve collection is made up of items that faculty members have put aside for student consultation.

  • To borrow an item from the Reserve collection, please visit the circulation desk at your campus Library.

You can find Reserve material using the following tool:

  • Page 1+ Click 'advanced search' and select Course Reserves from the 'search for' option.


  • Ottawa campus:
    • Same day loans: Laptops are available to borrow for same-day on-campus use. Laptops must be returned at least 30 minutes prior to the Library Front Desk closing.
    • 4 Hour laptops loans are available 24/7 through the Laptop Lockers. PIN number is required (You can request a PIN at the Front Desk). Laptops borrowed from the locker must be returned to the locker. Late fees apply.
    • You must have a student card to borrow a laptop.
  • Perth Campus:
    • Visit the Library Main Desk to borrow a laptop for the day.
  • Pembroke campus:
    • Same day laptop loan: students should come to the Library Main Desk to borrow a laptop for the day.
    • Long-term laptop loan: students requesting a long-term loan laptop should come to the Library Main Desk (Room 145). You will need to provide proof that your laptop is being repaired or you will need permission from your Program Chair in order for this request to be granted.

Note: This service is only available to students.

Borrowing, Renewing, Returning, and More

Can I borrow from the Algonquin College Library?

You can borrow items and access digital resources if you are a student, staff, or faculty at Algonquin College.

Alumni, community members, and Smart Library participants have limited borrowing privileges. For more information, read our information about services and resources for Alumni and Community members.

It’s my first semester. When can I start borrowing from the Library?

You should be able to borrow right away, as soon as you get your student number and your tuition fees have been paid. If you’re borrowing print material, you will also need your AC card.

Can I access the Library digital resources?

Students, staff and faculty at Algonquin College can access our digital resources. Alumni and community members do not have access to the digital resources.

Your Library Account will permit you to renew print books and cds, request books and cds, borrow from other campus libraries, and access digital resouces.

  • If you are a student, your Library account is automatically generated when you start classes. Your login will be your College Network Account username and password:
    • Login – your student email address. E.g.
    • Password – your network password. E.g. The same password you would use to login to Brightspace.
  • If you are staff/faculty, your Library account is automatically generated. Your login will be your College Network Account username and password:
    • Login – your employee email address. E.g.
    • Password – your network password. E.g. The same password you would use to login to your email.

Do I need a Library card?

Yes, you need a library card to borrow physical items from the on-campus Libraries. Your AC Card acts as your Library card. Click here to learn more about the AC Card.

For how long can I borrow an item?

The length of time for which you can borrow is different depending on what you are borrowing.

Loan periods:

  • General collection (books & CDs): 2 weeks
  • Levelled Readers and accompanying CDs: 4 weeks
  • Periodicals (Perth & Pembroke): 2 weeks
  • Ebooks: Varies by database
  • DVDs: 3 days for students, 2 weeks for staff/faculty.
  • Laptops: Loan Periods for Laptops may vary.
  • Reference: In-library use only.
  • Reserve Collection: Loan Periods for Reserves may vary.

For more information, view our full table of loan periods.

Can I place a hold on an item I want to borrow?

Placing a hold on an item (e.g. a book) reserves that item for you. Some of the reasons you might place a hold on an item are:

  • The item is checked out by someone else, and you want to borrow it when it is returned.
  • The item is available and you want to prevent others from checking it out before you can get to campus.
  • The item is at another campus and you want it brought to your campus (Intercampus loan). When you place the hold, you can choose your campus as the place you will pick it up.

To place a hold on an item, you need to log in to Page 1+ with your network ID and password. For further instructions about how to request and pick up your items, read Borrowing items: Placing a hold on an item.

For faculty information, see the Faculty and Staff Guide.

What will I be charged if I don’t return items on time?

The fines for overdue items depend on what you borrow. The fines are as follows:

  • Reserves (3 hour loan): $1 per hour, max $30
  • Reserves (3 day loan): $3 per day, max $30
  • DVDs: $3 per day, max $30
  • Laptops: $20 per day, max $800
  • Mobile Device Materials (chargers, mice, headphones): $1 per day, max $10

If an item is more than 80 days overdue, you will be charged the cost of the item plus a processing fee. For more information on fines, see Overdue fines: Cost and payment.

What will I be charged if I lose an item that I borrowed?

The fines for lost items vary. They include the value of the material plus a $10 processing fee. For more information on fines, see Overdue fines: Cost and payment.

How do I pay my overdue fines?

If you need to pay a fine, please visit your campus library Front Desk. If you are unable to make it to campus, please email us at and we will respond within regular business hours.

Can I extend the due date for items I’ve borrowed?

Renewing an item extends the length of time that you can borrow that item. Most items may be renewed twice. Material borrowed may be renewed under the following conditions:

  • Renewal occurs before or on the due date.
  • There are no holds on the material.
  • You have no overdue material on your account.

Students and employees can renew materials in the following ways:

  • using their Library card in person at their campus library desk
  • by contacting us.
  • using their Library account in Page 1+. Log in to Page 1+ with your network ID and password.

Alumni and members of the community can renew items that they have borrowed from the Algonquin Library by contacting us.

For more information on how to renew, read Renewals: Renewing your items.

Where can I return books that I borrowed?

Books may be returned to the Library drop boxes. Drop boxes are located at the following campus locations:

  • Ottawa campus: Items can be returned to the Library Front Desk (Room C350) during business hours or you can place your items in the drop box found on the side of the front desk in Room C350 or the drop box located on the 2nd floor of C building. Do not leave items on top of the desk or anywhere else in the library.
  • Pembroke campus: During business hours, return items to the Library Main Desk. After hours, please return items to the drop box located just outside the Library main doors (Room 145).
  • Perth campus: During business hours, return items to the Library Main Desk. After hours, return your items to the drop slot located at the doors of the Library.

Can I have a book at another AC campus brought to my campus?

You can borrow books that are in the collection of another Algonquin College campus library and pick them up at your campus. This is called an Intercampus loan.

To borrow an item, request the item through Page 1+ and set the campus to your campus.

For further instructions about how to request and pick up your items, read Borrowing items: Requesting an item.

Can I get access to a resource that isn’t in the Algonquin College Library collection?

Yes. Students, staff, and faculty at Algonquin College can borrow from other libraries in two ways:

Note: loaning library policies may vary from that of Algonquin College’s. Please make yourself aware of these differences (especially those concerning fees and fines, as these apply) by visiting the website of the loaning library.

How do I renew something I borrowed from another institution?

Material that is borrowed from another library directly or through Interlibrary loan are subject to the owning library’s policy on renewals.

Below are the methods of renewing items for each borrowing method:

  • Direct Borrowing: If you borrowed directly from a Sm@rtlibrary Participating Library or another Ontario College Library, contact the lending library before the due date of your item.
  • Algonquin Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Contact the campus where you requested the loan before the due date:
    • Ottawa: (613) 727-4723 ext. 5282
    • Pembroke: (613) 735-4700 ext. 2707
    • Perth: (613) 267-2859 ext. 5644

For more information, see our Borrowing from other libraries: How to borrow directly or request an interlibrary loan FAQ.

How do I return something I borrowed from another institution?

Below are the methods of returning items for each borrowing method:

  • Direct Borrowing: Borrowers should return items directly to the loaning library.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL): borrowers should return the items to the campus from which they requested the ILL.

Can I get a resource in an alternative format?

We can obtain digital copies of books in order to assist users with perceptual disabilities. Complete the Accessible Library Book Request Form to request a Library book in an accessible digital format. You must know the title of the book to make the request, and the book must be part of the AC Library collection.

What other accommodations does the Library provide to help me access resources?

The Library provides the following accessibility services to assist users with disabilities:

  • Retrieving material
  • Extending a loan period
  • Assistance with scanning/photocopying

For information on these services and how to request assistance, visit our Library Accessibility Guide.