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Interlibrary Loans

Library Services

Information for Other Libraries - Interlibrary Loan Requests

AC Libraries accept material requests from other Canadian libraries participating in interlibrary loan. If you wish to request an item on behalf of your library users please contact the relevant campus library below. NOTE: We do not charge for this service, although replacement/damage charges may be applied as needed.
Campus Library ILL Email Canadian Library Symbol Lending Policies
Ottawa Campus Library OOAC Canadian Library Directory Entry
Pembroke Campus Library OPEMAC Canadian Library Directory Entry
Perth Campus Library OPAC Canadian Library Directory Entry


What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

Interlibrary loans are the method by which library patrons of Algonquin College can access material that supports their learning and research goals that is not held in the Algonquin College library collection. Students and faculty may request items held by libraries located in Ottawa, Ontario or Canada.

Interlibrary Loan - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request an interlibrary loan?

How long do interlibrary loan requests take?

  • Requests can take from approximately 24 hours up to 2 weeks, depending on the current volume of requests, as well as the location and response time of the lender.

How long can I keep interlibrary loan material?

  • Loan periods are determined by the lending library.

Can interlibrary loan materials be renewed?

  • Renewals can occasionally be accommodated. Please email at least 5 working days before the items originally assigned due date.

Are there costs associated with interlibrary loan services?

  • Charges for borrowing interlibrary loan material are covered by the Algonquin College Library and provided to our patrons at our discretion. Charges incurred by our patrons in the form of overdue fines, replacement costs, and processing fees are paid for by the Algonquin College Library and charged back against the borrowing patron.

What are the fines and replacement costs for interlibrary loan material?

  • All fines, replacement costs, and processing fees are determined by the lending library.

Frequently Asked Questions - SmartLibrary

1.  Which libraries issue SmartLibrary cards?

The following libraries issue SmartLibrary cards:

  • Algonquin College
  • Bibliothèque municipale de Gatineau
  • Canadian Museum of History
  • Carleton University
  • La Cité
  • Dominican College
  • Ottawa Public Library
  • University of Ottawa
  • Université du Quebec en Outaouais (UQO)

2.  How can I get a SmartLibrary card?

If you are a member of one of the lending libraries listed above, you can visit the library and ask for a free SmartLibrary card. To obtain a SmartLibrary card, you must be at least 16 years of age.

3.  My SmartLibrary card expired. How do I renew it?

You can renew your expired card at the library where it was issued.

4.  Can I lend/share my SmartLibrary card with others?

No. The card was issued under your name and only you are entitled to use it.

5.  Where do I return my books?

All borrowed materials must be returned directly to the library where it was borrowed.

6.  What happens if I am late in returning my books?

Card members are responsible for all the materials they borrow and any fines or charges that result from its use. Late fees will vary in accordance with the library.

7.  Can other libraries join the SmartLibrary group?

SmartLibrary welcomes interest from other libraries in the National Capital Region. For more information, please contact us.

Taken from:

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

AC Library users (current students, staff and faculty) can make an interlibrary loan request at the link above.

Direct Borrowing Agreement - Ontario Colleges

Principles of Agreement

College staff, faculty or students may borrow in person from any Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology Library with the following provisions:

  • Each borrower is responsible for the safe return or replacement of material borrowed or for any charges incurred.
  • Only circulating material as defined by the lending library may be borrowed.
  • Only college staff, faculty and students who are currently employed or registered are eligible to request a Direct Borrower's card.

Direct Borrowing - Ontario Colleges

Direct Borrowing Agreement – Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) Libraries

  • A college staff member, faculty or student may borrow in person from any Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology Library with the following provisions:
  • Each borrower is responsible for the safe return or replacement of material borrowed or for any charges incurred.
  • Only circulating material as defined by the lending library may be borrowed.
  • Only college staff, faculty and students who are currently employed or registered are eligible to request a Direct Borrower’s card.

Participating Colleges:

Northern Region Central Region Western Region Eastern Region
  • Boréal
  • Cambrian
  • Canadore
  • Confederation
  • Northern
  • Sault
  • Centennial
  • George Brown
  • Georgian
  • Humber
  • Seneca
  • Sheridan
  • Conestoga
  • Fanshawe
  • Lambton
  • Mohawk
  • Niagara
  • St. Clair
  • Algonquin
  • Durham
  • Fleming
  • La Cité
  • Loyalist
  • St. Lawrence