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Licence Agreements

Licensing offers Algonquin College students, staff and faculty with more flexibility and greater access to educational resouces. All Licensing agreements are subject to terms of use and should be reviewed prior to including any resources in your activities. 

Licences at Algonquin

Algonquin’s licence with Access Copyright grants permission for Algonquin faculty, staff and students to reproduce and distribute portions of published works within Access Copyright’s repertoire in print and digital format.

Access Copyright – Print and Digital Copying Guidelines

How much can I copy?

You may copy up to 20% of a repertoire work or make a copy of a repertoire work that is:

  • an entire article, short story, play, essay or poem, or reproduction of an artistic work from a volume containing other published works.
  • an entire article or page from a newspaper or periodical.
  • an entire entry from an encyclopedia or similar reference work or an entire reproduction of an artistic work from a publication.
  • one chapter of a book, provided the chapter is no more than 25% of that book.

What activities are covered?

  • Photocopy, fax, scan and print.
  • Store copies, such as on a hard drive, USB stick or on a Secure Network.
  • Transmit by email, upload or post copies within a Secure Network.
  • Project and display copies, such as on overheads, on LCD or plasma monitors, or interactive whiteboards.
  • Make copies for the purposes of interlibrary loan and managing library collections.
  • Create Course Packs.


Attribution is required for display or distribution of copies made pursuant to this agreement. Copies shall include, where reasonable, on at least one page, (a) a credit to the author, artist or illustrator, and to the source; and (b) a notice stating “Copied under Permission from Access Copyright. Further reproduction, distribution or transmission is prohibited, except as otherwise permitted by law.

The library subscribes to thousands of online journals, streaming videos and ebooks.  Students, staff and faculty have access to all materials licensed by the library, however usage restrictions may apply.  Where there is a conflict between the terms of a licence agreement and the fair dealing policy, the terms of the licence agreement apply.

Licence agreements for digital resources generally allows:

  • Printing an article for in-class activities.
  • Embedding links to the Library’s subscribed digital resources to Bright Space.
  • Classroom viewing of the Library’s subscribed streaming videos
  • Additional Digital Rights Management (DRM) can exist on individual tittles.

Digital Locks or Technological Protection Measures (TPM) can be as complicated as encoding on software or as simple as a notice.  They can exist on their own or apply on top of existing licensing. They can either restrict access to copyrighted material, such as the coding of a software, or restrict the use of content.  Types of digital locks can include: 

  • Encoding on software / DVD's
  • A pay wall
  • A user agreement.
  • A notice on an article (not just ©)
  • Watermarks

The terms of a digital lock are binding. It is important to follow all terms of use associated with your source material.

Using content beyond posted terms of use and restrictions may still be allowed if permissions are acquired from the copyright holder.  Please contact the library for help with permission requests.  Records of any permissions negotiated without the aid of the Library must be kept with your department.

Permission request form

Requesting the use of a student's work


Transactional Licence

When permission cannot be obtained, access may be possible by purchasing a transactional licence from the copyright holder or collective agency.

Collective Societies

Copyright Board - Unlocatable Owners

Content creators of Copy-Left resources may make their work fully open or apply certain restrictions and terms of use. Popular copy-left resources include:

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) courses, course pack and instructional content.
  • Open Access (OA) textbook and journals.
  • Creative Commons (CC) multimedia.

Additional resources and further details can be found on the library's OER subject guides.

Additional Resources