Check these locations on the Library shelves or in the catalogue:
- NA2695-2793 - Architectural Drawing and Design
- NA4100-8480 - Special Classes of Buildings
- NE1000-1352 - Wood Engraving
- NK2200-2750 - Furniture
- NK9600-9950 - Woodwork
- T55-57 - Industrial Safety and Industrial Accident Prevention.
- TH8001-8581 - Decoration and Decorative Furnishings
- TP934-945 - Paints, Pigments, Varnishes, etc.
- TS800-937 - Wood Technology. Lumber
- TT180-200 - Woodworking. Furniture Making. Upholstery.
- TT201-203 - Lathework. Turning.
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