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Art & Design

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Showing 31 Databases

Additional Databases
  • Canadian Content
A large and diverse collection of scholarly journals, magazines and newspaper articles covering most subject areas.
  • Canadian Content
Journals, magazines and newspapers covering a wide variety of subject areas.
A large and diverse collection of scholarly journals, magazines, and newspaper articles, as well as some books and conference proceedings. It covers most subject areas.
  • Canadian Content
A complete, searchable version of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Including access to the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, The World Fact Book, A Comparison Country Tool, Britannica Image Quest and a world atlas.
  • Canadian Content
*Not searchable in Page 1+. Search directly in database to access content.

Critical advertising rates, data and media planning information for advertising, marketing, PR, and communications professionals.
  • Canadian Content
Publicly available resources for museum professionals. The topics include collection management, digitization, and digital preservation.

A complete, searchable version of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus.

Quality, open access, scholarly journals covering many different subject areas, including health sciences, technology, social sciences, life sciences and education.
  • Canadian Content
Ebooks on a broad range of subject areas, including business, engineering, law, medicine, and hospitality and tourism.
  • Canadian Content
Educational ebooks on a wide variety of subjects, as well as a small collection for leisure reading. You can download up to 10 ebooks at one time. After 14 days, the ebooks will be automatically returned. You can print, or save as a PDF (which doesn’t expire), one chapter of an ebook.
  • Canadian Content
Video clips on a variety of subject areas including art and architecture, environmental science, health and social sciences, technology and trades. The videos are copyright cleared for classroom use at Algonquin College.
Magazines and journals that cover subjects such as drama, music, art history and filmmaking.
Journals related to gardening, landscaping, and other areas of horticulture. It covers both practical information and scientific theory.
Scholarly journals, particularly in the fields of science and medicine but also covering social sciences and humanities. The website is publicly accessible and much of the content is available for free.
Articles related to home improvement. It includes subjects such as architectural techniques, zoning requirements, and tool and material selection.
Classic literature is linked to primary sources, critical articles, literary and cultural analysis, and biographies.
*Not searchable in Page 1+. Search directly in database to access content.*
Comparative business statistics. Entries feature data and market descriptions, and a list of producers/products along with their market share.
Popular and general interest magazines, as well as some reference books and images. It covers a range of topics including business, health, education, general science, and multicultural issues.

A complete, searchable version of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus.

  • Canadian Content

Canadian videos, including documentaries, animations, experimental films and fiction. 

The content of this resource is copyright cleared for individual viewing.

  • Canadian Content
Canadian and international newspapers and select magazine titles.
Open access graduate theses from around the world.

The documents contained in this collection are free to access; however, you must follow the licence terms and conditions of each document for any use of the content.
Full-text articles related to popular culture.
Open access theses and dissertations on a variety of topics.

Some or all of the resources contained in this collection are free to access; however, you must follow the terms and conditions of the collection for any use of the content.
  • Canadian Content
Canadian theses and dissertations made available for personal or academic research purposes.
Some or all of the resources contained in this collection are free to access; however, you must follow the terms and conditions of the collection for any use of the content.
Journals that present a balanced view of world history and the scholarly work being done in the field.


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